5/15/2024 Wednesday WW#19- Split Front Floating Card- Fun Fold
Hello! Happy Wednesday or as more people call it Hump Day! LOL
I think this is a really cute fun fold. First group photos then individual photos and at the end my template.
Cute little Badgers from Hearts & Hugs set, I said I might have some more to share on this set.
Just calling this one flowers, but really it’s the sunflowers from the Cutest Cow set. I colored with blends, then added sequin to the center of the flowers for a different effect.
This one I left blank on the inside so I can add later.
One last group shot…
Alright, there you go. It’s a fun card to make. Hope you enjoy it.
Have a great day, thanks for stopping by.
#wackywednesday #funfold #signedwithink #jillgeorge #stampinup #hearts&hugs #attentionshoppers #cutestcow